Als je dagelijks gebruik maakt van een computer of laptop, verwacht je ook eigenlijk dat ze het altijd doen. Toch moeten we onszelf aanleren om de computer zo goed mogelijk te onderhouden.
Het besturingssysteem van uw computer moet de systeembronnen (geheugen, schijfruimte, verwerkingscapaciteit) verdelen over alle programma’s die op een bepaald moment worden uitgevoerd. Er zijn tal van factoren die een nadelige uitwerking hebben op de computerprestaties, maar meestal komt het erop neer dat niet efficiënt wordt omgesprongen met de beschikbare systeembronnen.
<<<<<<<<Accu / batterij PS0122NA1BRS voor Dynabook X40L-K
Your hard drive is too full
Your computer will either have a Solid-State Drive (SSD) or a Hard Disk Drive (HDD) for its internal storage. SSDs are considered superior to HDDs because they are more reliable, use less power, and can access data faster. For this reason, most new devices will come equipped with an SSD rather than a HDD, but some older computers (or some inexpensive newer machines), may still come with an HDD. ‘Why is this important?’, you might ask. Well, the type of hard drive you help determine what’s slowing your machine.
<<<<<<<<Accu / batterij PA5344U-1BRS voor Dynabook PA5344U-1BRS
Some programs are using too much memory
A common reason for your computer being slow is that it has resource-hungry programs installed, which are taking up a high proportion of its CPU and memory. You may also have programs running in the background that you aren’t even aware are running. Maybe programs have permission to open on startup, and even if you close the window they may continue to idly run in the background and take up resources.
mijn computer traag:tips om hem sneller te maken
Malware is software that is specifically designed to damage your computer or gather unauthorized information about your activity. Cybercriminals and hackers design malware for a whole bunch of reasons. Keylogger malware, for example, is designed to store every keystroke you make on your keyboard, save it in a file, and send that file to a server controlled by the hacker. Other malware is more obviously destructive, such as ransomware, which will lock your files and demand you pay money to the hackers in order to release them.